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This blog covers a number of topics.  Here are some of the more commonly, or featured, topics covered in these posts. 

Book Reviews - My reviews of different books.  In some cases, these are copies of professional reviews done for a professional society.  In other cases, something less formal. 

Humor - I save things.  I especially like to save things that are, I think, amusing.  Adds a little joy to the day.  Here are some things I find amusing.  "your mileage may vary". 

Leadership - As much as engineering, leadership has been my trade.  Here are a few articles, thoughts, etc. on that profession. 

Math - I like math.  Not as good at it, yet, as I'd like to be.  Still, I find math, as well as language, good tools for understanding the world and attempting to master its complexity. 

Quotes - I like to save quotes.  Lacking much success in attempts at my own clever or insightful wording, I like to borrow from others.  These are quotes I find inspiring, thoughtful, etc. 

Semper Fi - Once a Marine, always a Marine.  Despite many years from my service in the Corps, I still save stories and nuggets of information that trace back to those roots. 

Teaching - Most of my career, I have taught part-time.  I enjoy it.  Keeps the skills sharp.  A great venue to learn from the ideas of others.  Here are various resources and ramblings about that journey.