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You might be a big system geek if...

Got this from a colleague of mine:

  1. Your machine room is naked eye visible from low earth orbit. This is a nod to Mark Seager at Lawrence-Livermore, who wanted a file system visible from space. We have them now, from Google, Yahoo and Microsoft.
  2. Inside, you need binoculars to see the other end of your machine room.
  3. You think a $2M cluster is a nice, single user development platform.
  4. You order storage systems and analysts issue buy orders for disk stocks.
  5. You measure system network connectivity in hundreds of kilometers of cable/fiber.
  6. You dream about cooling systems and wonder when fluorinert will make a comeback.
  7. You telephone the local nuclear power plant before you boot your system.
  8. You’re already thinking about exaflops.
- Brian